Female Investigations
The causes of infertility are many and varied and can involve the male or female partner or a combination of both.
For the female, blood tests and ultrasound scans can help us identify any issues and ensure you’re ovulating normally.
Please note that not all the below tests are included in the Fertility Testing Package, click here to see which tests are included.
Female fertility investigations may include:
Ovulation Test
A simple blood test to determine if you're ovulating normally.
Ultrasound Scan
This checks the lining of the uterus for the presence of fibroids or polyps which may impair conception. An ultrasound can also show the size of the ovary, size and number of follicles and the presence or absence of ovarian cysts.
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH or “egg count”) Test
Women are born with their lifetime supply of eggs and this supply gradually decreases in quantity and quality with age.
As the hormone AMH is present in the cells of developing egg sacs, the level of AMH in blood is a good indicator of the quantity of eggs, though not the quality of them.
AMH involves a single blood test which can be performed at any stage in the menstrual cycle. We can analyse your AMH levels in our on-site laboratory.
Other relevant hormones may be measured in parallel with AMH. These are thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) and prolactin. Together these are known as your AMH profile.
It should be remembered that measuring AMH alone cannot predict whether a woman is able to become pregnant. It is a measure of potential egg count and not egg quality. There are other important factors that must be taken into account including:
- Lifestyle
- Past medical history
- Anatomic and genetic abnormalities
- Quality of sperm and other male factors
However, it’s still considered the best hormone test to help identify your potential long-term fertility.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Test
Thyroid hormones are essential and primary regulators of the body’s metabolism and imbalances can affect virtually every metabolic process in the body, including significant effects on mood and energy levels.
Thyroid function has a profound impact on overall health via:
- Modulation of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
- Vitamin utilisation
- Mitochondrial function
- Digestive process
- Muscle and nerve activity
- Blood flow
- Oxygen utilisation
- Hormone secretion
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Many other physiological parameters
These imbalances may cause:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Coldness
- Constipation
- Poor skin
- Headaches
- Dysmenorrhea
- Fluid retention
- Weight gain
- Anxiety/panic attacks
- Decreased memory and concentration
- Muscle and joint pain
- Low sex drive
The TSH test is the test of choice for evaluating thyroid function and/or symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overactive) or hypothyroidism (underactive).
Saline Infusion Sonohysterography (SIS)
SIS is a procedure which evaluates the uterus and the overall shape of the uterine cavity. It is a relatively non-invasive test, comprising of an ultrasound after inserting a tiny tube into the cervix to pass saline through the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.
It includes a pelvic scan (uterus and ovaries and pelvis), Antral Follicle Count (AFC) test of ovarian reserve /“egg count”, SIS and testing for Fallopian tube patency (if the Fallopian tubes are open or not to deliver the eggs to the sperm to form embryos before carrying them to the uterine cavity).
When to seek help?
If you've been trying to conceive for more than 12 months (or 6 months if you're over 35 years of age) without success, we recommend you book an appointment with a fertility specialist who can conduct some simple fertility tests.

Male Fertility Tests
Assessment of male fertility is primarily achieved through a semen analysis.

Fertility Check Up Packages
A panel of tests designed to give you an overview of your current fertility status. Ideal for couples or individuals who have recently started trying to conceive or who are considering trying for a baby in the future.